We all go to the toilet. It’s a fact of life – nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. And the good people at Tushy agree – they’re probably more embarrassed by how much we still rely on loo roll and non-flushable wipes.

As fatbergs and plastic particles terrorise our sewage systems and seas, it’s about time that we reconsidered toilet time. Which is where Tushy’s bidet attachment comes in. Created to help make going the toilet a more environmentally and physically friendly act – without having to spend hundreds upon hundred on drastic bathroom refits.
Now, not everyone has a bidet. And yes, while they’re certainly more common in places like continental Europe and Japan, they’re still not viewed as essential, as the toilet and the wash basin are to everyday toilet life. So, what if you could transform your toilet into a bidet for less than $100?
Helping to keep pipes and sewers free of paper
Tushy came up with the attachable bidet in order to save customers hundreds a year in toilet roll costs, helping to keep pipes and sewers free of paper in the process. Using a bidet is also better for you physically. As Tushy so eloquently ponders on its website; “If someone crapped on your floor… would you wipe it with toilet paper? No, you’d probably don a hazmat suit, dump 5 quarts of bleach on it, and then set your whole house on fire. And rightfully so.”

It’s hard to argue with that. If we were to clean pretty much anything else we’d use water in some shape or form. Whether you’re washing your body, your dishes, your car, or cleaning spills off your carpet, you don’t just go at it with a dry piece of two-ply tissue, do you? It takes just one pint of water to wash properly with Tushy. It takes 437 billion gallons of water, 253,000 tons of bleach, and 15 million trees to make toilet paper annually. It’s a no-brainer.
It takes 437 billion gallons of water, 253,000 tons of bleach, and 15 million trees to make toilet paper annually.
Simply put, bidets are awesome. Without getting all ‘too much information’ on you, your bum will thank you if you make the switch from paper to bidet. Switching to a bidet will reduce your toilet paper usage by 75% to 100%, and it can also help prevent UTIs and haemorrhoids.

Tushy bidets are easy to use and install and formatted to work with most toilets. It requires neither electricity or plumbing to get started – simply clip it to the toilet beneath the seat, connect to the water and within about ten minutes you’re good to go. It comes in classic (‘single temperature’) and spa (a warm water plume) models. There’s even a portable version, for those bum-bathers out there who won’t travel without one. And you can choose the colour of your Tushy to match your bathroom suite.

Just at the point we thought they’d thought of everything, it turns out there’s more to the Tushy range. It doesn’t just deal in bidets and bum spas, it’s rethought the entire bathroom experience – ‘restroom to best room,’ they like to say. If the idea of a bidet is still a bit weird to you, then you can stock up on bamboo toilet paper (tree-free toilet roll), bamboo towels, or even a foot stool to help your stools move on with greater ease.
As a group of people who do most of our best thinking in the bathroom, it’s certainly given us plenty to think about…