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Aiayu creates beautiful, timeless fashion and homeware designs. It keeps ancient traditional crafts alive by working with artisans across Bolivia, India, and Nepal, with its products helping the communities that create them, only producing at origin, where the materials are found naturally and where the expertise to handle them is the greatest.

What we love

With a 100% responsible business practice under its belt, Aiayu understands that the origins of its products are key to its concept. It works closely with its artisans around the world; in Bolivia, the factory where Aiayu's wool wear is created is the first in La Paz to implement a water recycling plant, cleaning 100% of the water that it uses and reusing 75% of it in production, as well as primarily working with work with mono materials to facilitate and offering a repair program to extend the lifetime of their products.

How Aiayu contributes to the circular economy...


Aiayu helps you reduce your overall consumption by making it easy to swap single-use products for better alternatives.

Find out more about the 5Rs.

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